1. Don’t take people for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually.
2. If you treat your partner the same way you treat others, how are they supposed to know they are special to you?
3. Don’t make the assumption that your partner is a mind reader. The chances are high that they are not.
4. A good apology has three parts: I’m sorry, it’s my fault and what can I do to make it right?
5. No relationship can survive without trust, honesty and communication, no matter how close you are.
6. There are 5 basic relationship killers. They include: Trust issues, Insecurity, Assumptions, lack of Communication and Social media.
7. Saying “Please” and “Thank you” are critical in showing your appreciation and gratitude. These two words are powerful and go a long way in any relationship.
8. Holding onto grudges hurt you than you know. Let them go
9. Ladies: while you are demonstrating high self esteem and confidence in a relationship, you’ve got to submit to your man especially if he has proven to be a good man. Men love to be respected. Even a man who is ready for a lasting relationship can change his mind within a second if he feels disrespected all the time.
10. You don’t always have to give your partner an advice. Just sit beside them and hold them in your arms while they are upset.
11. When you have respect in your relationship for yourself and your significant other, then you both can thrive in an atmosphere of love because there is no love without respect.
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