Fashion Tips: Starting Your Sewing Business

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Starting a fashion design career takes hard work and persistence. If you’re confident that you have what it takes to make it in the fashion world, set realistic expectations for your success. When you’re starting out in your fashion design career, expect to pay your dues in an entry-level position before you can work up to the job you really want.
Make yourself as employable as possible. Put together a creative, appealing portfolio, and gain fashion design industry experience wherever you can. Don’t be afraid to start small. Think about the big picture, but start with an attainable goal. Be creative.
Starting your own sewing company is a rewarding way of combining your passion with business. Things like dress making, tailoring, costume design, and embroidery will always be in demand, especially now that sewing is becoming something of a ‘lost art’. If you’re thinking about starting your own sewing company, there are some things to consider:

1. Define Your Services
You don’t need to do it all, focus on your strengths and don’t overextend yourself into an unfamiliar area. Often times, entrepreneurs want to offer everything all at once because they think that’ll expand their customer base…and maybe it will, but trying to do everything at once can make things uncoordinated. In the beginning, take things one step at a time and refine your business model as you grow.

2. Create a Business Plan
As any entrepreneur will tell you, the way they thought things would turn out and the way they actually turned out are two very different things. This is more or less inevitable, but often times it’s because the entrepreneur skipped the crucial step of creating a business plan to outline their finances, short and long term goals, expenses, prices, and marketing efforts beforehand. Your sewing company business plan will serve as a guide to help you stay on track, and help you stay above the clutter of day to day affairs.

3. Marketing and Publicity
Once you’ve got the business plan ready, it’s time to think about how you’ll find your customers. For sewing and tailoring, you can take advantage of social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook for some free advertising, but keep in mind that this form of publicity is highly dependent on customer reviews. First things first, you need a great, catchy sewing company name. So brainstorm and come up with a unique company name that might probably contain your name or nick name. After this, get your business cards and if possibly, make some hand bills for awareness. When you are done with these, then you are ready for your sewing business. Best of Luck..

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