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Money Money Money!!! Everybody just wants to make money. Sometimes I wonder if money has any other importance than to get us our basic needs and wants which are just pleasures and are perishable. The thing is there is nothing that money gives that cannot be destroyed. So why so many of us have become slaves to money I can’t stop but wonder.
Yea, money can give us respect and fame. With it, you will never have to suffer anymore. Some even see it as the means to secure their future and future generations. Yea, we can buy whatever we want with money, we can go places we want with money, we can step on any toes and we can do and undo anything we like. It has even gotten to the extent that some people can be bought over with money and this so called love we shout all about, has also gotten itself entangled in the web of money. So what are we saying? Money is good and without money, life can be frustrating and tormenting.
Hmmm! But come to think of it, despite how powerful and important money is, it doesn’t have power over some very important and significant things. Things that are so valuable than what have being mentioned so far. It so sad that money can be very disappointing when it couldn’t grant your one and only wish of what you needed most in some very crucial scenarios. Let me paint a scenario for example:

Rich man: Doctor what is happening to my one and only daughter? I’m ready to pay any amount of money to save her life...even if it will cost millions of dollars..Please my daughter must not die.
Doctor: I’m sorry sir, but to be sincere with you, no amount of money can save your daughter at this stage except if I only want to deceive you and collect your money.
Rich man: So doctor, are you telling me that as rich as I am and famous in this town, my only child will just die like that and I can’t do anything??
Rich man: I’m sorry sir, but that is the painful truth..I’m sorry, but you will like to excuse me. I need to attend to other patients.
Rich man: (Cries silently and talk to himself) what a life? What a waste. Oh wealth, I never knew you were useless. I never knew you can’t be relied on. I’ve always cherished and treasured you above other things and yet you can’t even help me with just this one thing I needed most. Ah what a pity! How can it be heard that a whole wealthy and famous man like me couldn’t help my one and only child with my money..So of what use are you then? I never knew you were nothing but Vanity. (He weeps continuously till light fade out)

 The story may be a fabricated one but we all know it’s the reality. We all crave for money, we all want to be rich and we all thinks money is the best solution to every problems but money cannot save a life neither can it buy happiness. It cannot even buy peaceful marriage not to talk of a good home. It cannot buy good and sound health and the last but not the least, it cannot buy salvation. Are these not the essentials of life?? Are these not more important than all the pleasures that money can afford?? So why have we became slaves to money? Some of us will even go to the extent of doing bad, wicked, dirty and unspeakable things all for the sake of getting this money. 419, Yahoo plus, Blood Rituals etc are now the norms in the society. How terrible and devilish money has turned some of us to be. (Chai! There is God in everything we are doing ooo...Let’s just always remember that). I recently heard of a devilish site online for people who want to make quick money..They will give any amount that person wants and after seven days, the person will be visited and will be required to make a sacrifice...Its real but I don’t want to go into the details. (Smh, I really wonder money is going to turn this world into).

Don’t get me wrong. Money is good. I mean, who don’t want to enjoy the good things of this life. (Even me gan self like money and I really wants to have it). But as much as I want this money, two things are sure for me. First, I will never do anything unspeakable, anything that will make me a devil or anything that will get God angry for money and secondly, I’ll never be a slave for money neither will I lost that thing in me that makes me human for money. Money is best enjoyed when you work hard for it, when you make it in a clean and righteous ways not by a dubious means. It is then that you will never have to be a slave to money but rather, you will dictate to money not money dictating to you. Let money be scared of you and not the other way round. Remember, it is only the blessings of God that maketh rich and adds no sorrow. When the devil gives you a chicken, you will pay back with a cow. So what is the point? Be content with whatever you have and learn to prioritise the compulsory and necessary. True contentment comes when you know that you’ve tried your best to be the best you can be. After all, being wealthy is not your ticket to eternity.
Don’t know why I wrote this piece but I just find myself writing about this and I’m very sure that this post will help someone out there. I wrote it without a theme and it really took me a lot of thinking before I could come up with a theme so bear with me if the theme do not really tally but I hope you get the message of what I’m trying to pass across.

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Today | 24, March 2025