Etiquette: 5 Habits You Should Do Away With in Your 20s

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If you’re in your 20s, you may have heard people say to you, “Enjoy because now is when you’ve got all the strength and time to have fun”. Well, what they don’t tell you is that you will eventually get to your 30s and the unwise things you did in your 20s will start to catch up with you. Here are five harmful habits you need to let go off:
Get off your phone: It’s sad that these days, our phones consumes more of our time in a day. You need to experience life and stop giving unnecessary or unproductive attention to your phone. Stop spending most of your hours in a day on phone except it is a means for which you generate income.

No savings: Start saving from now so you can have something to fall back on if God forbid the economy fails or your career stalls for a bit. Stop spending money on unnecessary items. Avoid quick gratification. There are millionaires out there who are just in their early 20’s and who ever said you can’t start building your future and the future of your kids from early stage..

You drink too much: There are health repercussions to all unhealthy habits including excessive drinking. You shouldn’t be at the club on a weeknight. In short, you should stay away from anything alcohol and clubbing. There are more important and productive things you can do to prepare you ahead for your future.

Live in the moment: You’re so overwhelmed with the future that you lose sight of the present. Yes, it is good to plan ahead but don’t let it overshadow all you could enjoy today.  It’s very important to take care of yourself, especially when you’re younger so you can enjoy your older years.

Stop trying to please everyone: Everyone will have an opinion about the things you do. Stop trying to please people and just keep doing you. Long as you’re not harming yourself or anyone.

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