Health Tips: 5 Benefits of Coconut Water You Didn’t Know About

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Coconut water is the ultimate thirst quencher and offers a tasty alternative to water. This pure liquid is packed with nutrients that yield an array of health benefits.

Below are 5 benefits of coconut water you didn’t know about:

Facilitate digestion: If you constantly encounter difficulty during the digestion process, coconut water may provide a source of relief. Because of its high concentration of fiber, it aids in the prevention of indigestion and reduces the occurrence of acid reflux.

Rich in Nutrients: Unlike any other beverage on the market, coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. Electrolytes are closely related to human plasma and luckily this fluid contains 5 electrolytes which include sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorous. Because of this composition anybody with any medical condition can enjoy it.

Boost Hydration: The ingredients in coconut water are way more effective at hydrating the human body than those of sports and energy drinks. During rigorous exercise or extended periods of physical activity, the human body loses mineral-rich fluids. However, coconut water serves as an excellent replacement medium with 294 mg of potassium and 5 mg of natural sugar per glass, unlike your favourite sports drink that only contains half of the potassium content and five times the amount of processed sugar. In addition, the sodium count is only 25 mg, which is relatively low compared to the 41 and 20 mg found in sports drinks and energy drinks respectively.

Reduces Blood pressure: In many instances, a disproportionate level of electrolytes can result in high blood pressure. Because coconut water contains an adequate supply of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism. In some instances, it is recommended that coconut water be consumed at the start of each day to foster the balance of these electrolytes.

Perfect skin: Because it contains a lot of anti oxidants, applying the extract or water on your outer skin when you have acne or some other type of skin defects helps to tone and clear up the skin. Ingesting this super liquid helps to moisturize and reduce oil from within. This explains why products such as facial creams, shampoos, conditioners and lotions that contain traces of coconut extract are more effective.

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