There is this popular saying that says that there are two importants moments in someones life. 'The day we were born and the day we find out why'. Now finding out why we are born is the same as finding out your calling.In other words, your calling is what you are born to do..Below are the signs to look out for to help you easily recognise your calling:
It’s something other people see in you: sometimes, it takes us time to see what others are seeing about us and we most times do not realize that people believe in us about something. So normally, people see your calling before it becomes obvious to you. Your friends might even be the one drawing your attention to it and when you sit down to think about it yourself; you will be convinced that they are right about that particular thing about you.
You have been accustomed to it: A calling comes not just by looking at what you will do in the nearest future but by looking back at what you have done and what you have been doing so far. Your calling is what you’ve been accustomed to. It is part of you and it is what you enjoy doing on a regular basis. It is now up to you to quickly recognise it as your calling.
It requires conviction: Your calling might be something that is not so obvious that you can easily explain it. It might even look mysterious and it will definitely require a huge faith/conviction on your part; because whatever you don’t believe in, you can achieve it.
Its challenging: Whether you like it or not, the normal thing about a calling, is that it will always be challenging. It’s not something that you can so easily achieve. Your calling must be difficult enough that it is not everybody that can do it. Why? Because even if your calling seems familiar to someone else’s, your calling is always unique to you.
It affects every area of your life: Your calling will always integrate with the rest areas of your life. Not competing but complementing your top priorities. Your calling will in one way or the other, affect every areas of your life.
It’s greater than you: This will be the first sign/conviction. Your calling will always be greater than you. It will be so huge that you won’t be able to achieve it without a team of people. You know, when I think about my calling, I sometimes ask myself ‘Joy, how do you intend to do this? This is so much bigger than you’. But I then quickly realise that no matter how strong or smart I am, I can never handle my calling on my own and that is true for every one of you who has a calling. Build your team and trust them.
It takes time: The last but not the least sign that something is your calling is that it takes a lot of time to come into real manifestation. Meaning that it takes time to become something you really want it to become.
If you have been noticing these signs about a particular something in your life, then be sure that it’s your calling. Other signs might accompany these signs too, but this is what has been noticed so far about finding ones calling.
See you at the top!!!
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