Missed periods are a totally common issue that almost every girl will face at one point in her hormonal life. Still, if you can’t help but getting scared that and having the intention that you might be pregnant, be sure to put your fears to rest by having a pregnancy test. Trust me, you’ll feel a lot better once you know definitively. But after taking the test and you’re not pregnant below might be some reasons you missed your monthly visitor.
BIRTH CONTROL PILLS: If you’ve recently started taking a new form of birth control, then you can exhale those worries away, because going on a new form of birth control can actually cause you to miss your period! In fact, starting a new birth control pill can do all sorts of wacky things to your cycle, such as cause you to miss your period, have a month long period, have a late start or even a late finish to your period. It’s all normal. Just sit back, and wait for your hormones to regulate themselves onto your new BC, and all should be well again.
SOME ILLNESS CAUSES DELAY: If you’ve been really sick lately, you may have your reason for skipping your period. Sicknesses such as the flu can cause an imbalance within your body and delay your period. Note that this really shouldn’t happen if you only have a simple head cold. Expect this if you’ve been feverish or have experienced vomiting and diarrhoea associated with your sickness.
YOU JUST LOST/GAINED WEIGHT RAPIDLY: If you’ve had a sudden or rapid change in body weight, then you may have found the culprit for your late period! Eating disorders have a huge impact on the body, your organs, and how your hormones are running. Once your begin fussing around with that, there’s a high risk of missing your period.
YOU GYM TOO MUCH: Are you one of the newfound cross-fit-obsessed gym goers? Well, just like with extreme dieting, an extreme obsession with exercising can also cause you to skip your periods. In fact, many athletes experience missed periods due to over-indulging in extreme exercise. Why? Too much physical activity can actually put stress on the body and use up more of our body’s energy than we are consuming. Therefore, the body goes into shutdown mode to preserve energy, flipping your period right to the back burner.
But definately, the best way not to be scared if you missed your period for a month or two is to stay away from sex if you know you are not ready to be a mother. Better to be safe than to be Sorry...
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Health Tips: Hey! Not Seeing Your Monthly Visitor Doesn’t Have to Mean You Are Pregnant
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